Live Online Shopify Training

  • Already have an online Shopify store but looking to learn more about how it all works?
  • Your shop is ready to launch but you or your staff need some extra experience on how the backend functions?
  • Is your online store live and you are not sure what do to next?
  • You have a store, customers are buying but you need to level up your own game and understand everything about your shop?

We have you covered.

Our resident Shopify experts will take you from A to Z through your whole shop backend and provide you training, live via Zoom, Teams or Skype, etc. This means your training can happen anywhere that is convenient for you and your team. No travel time needed and no downtime.

live online shopify training south africa


What it costs

  • 1-2 People = R1200 excl VAT per hour
  • 3-5+ People = R2000 excl VAT per hour

Request A Live Training Quote

Live Training Includes:

An introduction to Shopify

Understanding more about how the platform works and how you can benefit through using it.

Backend Dashboard 101

Detailed Instruction through each section of the Shopify Backend. This will take you and/or your staff through each section, its features, and hidden tips and tricks so that you can get the most out of your store

All About Products

Guided live training on how to add and edit products individually, bulk update tags, titles, SEO titles and descriptions, etc

Best practices for editing and uploading images for user experience and SEO


How to create and edit collections. Using auto collections to save time and how to connect those collections to your frontend navigation

Pages & Navigation

How to create and edit extra pages, add navigation and best practices for user experience and SEO

Legal Docs

How to set up legal documents and display it in your store

All About Orders

Everything you need to know about Orders: How to create manual orders, check orders, test orders, etc

Basic Shipping

Understanding the basic Shopify shipping profiles, how to set up shipping by weight or price, how to add free shipping over a certain amount, and even how to set up different profiles based on province. (Excludes advanced 3party calculated shipping rates)

Basic SEO Tips and Tricks

How to submit your store to Google, do an SEO Checklist of your store, best practices, site speed checkup.


How to create blogs in the Shopify backend and best practices for SEO including image file names, size, tags, and internal link strategies

Intro to your store analytics

How to understand what the numbers mean for your business so that you can make better decisions going forward. We'll take you through each section so you understand what your customers are buying, not buying, and how you can improve your store.

General Settings

Store notifications, taxes, user accounts, preferences, etc


Training excludes:

Any theme updates, design updates, coding, or advanced shipping setups. Any work outside of the training can be requested and quoted on.

Hourly Updates for Existing Shopify Stores

Already have a Shopify store but need help updating it?

We also work on existing Online stores and can help with any type of updates be it Product upload, content uploads, design edits & much much more. 

Updates are charged at R600/hour excl VAT and we will send through a free quote once we've received more info regarding your project.